
Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Traffic Attraction by Submitting Articles Actually Works

Links are one of the key seo components and can generate good website traffic. Linking in general is one of the most double-edged tools since bad "links" might decrease your page-rank and good links will undeniably polish it and hopefully boost your hit-rate.

Unsure of what bad and good links are, many seem reluctant to submit articles in order to distribute links to their sites. Don't. Be reluctant that is. As always, all you need is to know the rules.

So, what are the worries?

* Google penalizes multiple content
* Bad links decimate your pagerank

- The notion that Google penalizes multiple content is not based on fact. Even Google themselves point to the fact that what they penalize is multiple instances of identical content on the same site. No worries then.

- That bad links decimate your page rank is fact. A bad link can be defined as one that has a lower page-rank than your own. Page-rank is affected by other factors too, but high page-rank links is one of the most important.

Still, the number of links is also important. - If you have few links, 5 of lower page-rank will downrate your own rank. - If you mass on reciprocal links (you get a link if they get a link on your site) you rank may be negatively affected since these have a taste of "link farms". A bad taste in a Google mouth. - If you have 4000 links to your site chances are they will be mixed quality, which is not bad. What will affect your page-rank and site status in this case is the

* total number of links
* title and text on links
* activity of links (traffic to your site)

No worries then. As long as you have thousands of links. [NEVER pay cheap link submission services that offer to submit pure links to hundreds of sites. Those links are either trash or nonexistant. Money wasted.]

If you write a simple article of a single page about a subject that has attraction for sites that need content, you might be getting loads of traffic in no time. The formatting is important, so is the mode of including your links and what sites you submit to. Some sites are certainly better than others.

To generate a lot of traffic and get a lot of seological links you need to submit to a lot of sites (read many many many). What you need is a tool that does the job properly, quickly and has a massive amount of targeted sites it distributes your article too. There are quite a lot of submission programs and services out there. I would recommend you to steer away from the ones that offer too much, for too little. Simple organic logic :)

I personally use programs instead of submission sites since the latter give a limited amount of control and usually carry a higher accumulative cost.
Tip! Choosing Free Will- Free will is about choosing to open your connection to Source or to pinch yourself off and be resistant to the brilliance of who you are. The simplest answer to �How� you accomplish success is to say �Yes� to Source and allow the Law of Attraction to work with great abandon.

John Bowman writes for

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